massa skit =(

This entry was posted by on söndag, 16 januari, 2011 at

Börjar med något roligt idag bara för att lätta på stämningen lite!

Sanji won’t become Okama. He spent 2 years in hell and survived, not to mention he mastered the okama fighting style (not really sure). And the moment Sanji turns into a okama again Sanji fangirls will commit suicide and the ones who remain will kill Oda.

JA jag hade liksom nog också funderar på att döda Oda., efter så här många år o han måste dö på sånt sätt!

Originally Posted by Niizzy View Post
Just because it’s been bothering me for a while I just want to say one little thing. It’s the fact that they turned Sanji’s ”comedical” nose bleed(that all manga’s use when they should jizz instead), and suddenly made it a serious issue. That’s just suppose to be for laugh’s and show pervertedness. Now it became serious to the point where they need to give him blood and Sanji almost died. They forgot to establish a line between parody and actually story content which made me extremely angry. If nose bleeds were suppose to actually be a joke AND loss of blood, MAKE IT CLEAR from the get go. Don’t just suddenly make it a problem. Like when all of a sudden it was like a SERIOUS problem, it stopped being funny. So now every time somebody gets a nose bleed in One Piece, I’m going to expect them to need blood.

okay buddy, if we put you on an island with a bunch of trans’s and you were a perv, for 2 years, and you saw some hot chicks wouldnt your reaction be like at least 10x your normal? maybe 100? and you lose 10 times the normal amount of blood, or 100, you may seriously need some help…

SÅ dessa två har hållit på i flera dagar att klaga på varandra men jag måste säga jag måste ändå citera de där som står här övan.. för de va jo bra!! om man e lite insatt vill säga :P men jag älskar hans svar :D

Nåja i nästa inlägg kan ni läsa om hur dagen här har sätt ut!!! för de e intressant! kort men intressant!

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