Archive for december, 2010

innan jobbet

Posted by on torsdag, 30 december, 2010

så sitter jag här igen.. haha!!
o inget spec har hänt..

förutom att jag fick …
Ett NEJ ett NEJ ett nej o ett JAAAA
förvirrade jag håller med er!

sen har jag gjort våfflor =) WIEE
O sen lite nudlar…
o vem mer??
ehh vad?

nä nu ska jag bytta om o sen gå till jobbet om en stund!!

go dag!

Posted by on torsdag, 30 december, 2010

I dag e de jobb som står på schemat…

Vad har ni gjort idag?
jag ska snart diska för det är nog de ända jag har kvar..
o sen ska jag göra lite annat.. frågan e bara vad :P
O sen e de jo jobb…

Så berätta något kul?
nähä okej då…
Se om det är en trevlig dag eller om den slutar i fiasko…
VEM vet? vi får se om nalle phonen ringer!

Hej då!


Posted by on onsdag, 29 december, 2010
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I want a brand new house
On an episode of Cribs
And a bathroom I can play baseball in
And a king size tub big enough
For ten plus me

(So what you need?)

I’ll need a credit card that’s got no limit
And a big black jet with a bedroom in it
Gonna join the mile high club
At thirty-seven thousand feet


Posted by on onsdag, 29 december, 2010

…. nr 551!

Så vad har jag gjort?

JO jag har gått knäpp jag letar upp o ner efter roliga kläder.. men hittar inget..
Köpte en långarmad tjockare tröja som jag redan har  fast i en ny färg idag.. (rea 179kr)
Köpte en långarmad u ringad tun tröja som jag redan äger en av och 2 liknade i ny färg..99kr
O ett par silkes troser.. haha… va bara tvungen o köpa dem.. skit fulla men de jag ville köpa
En snygg natt sak med lite jul stämning o passade under o överdel kosta lite mer än jag ville lägga ut… just nu :(
kanske nästa gång…
(eller någon som vill ge mig pengar???? så jag kan hämta dem innan veckan slut?)

Så men jaaa de va lite om de…. jag handla idag..
har hittat massa andra saker jag vill ha på internet… Alla som har mig på FB har sätt två saker jag hittat än så länge i allafal…
Ska beställa en grymt cool sak i morn :P när jag sitter vid den andra datan..
Det är en tvätt viknings sak :P så haha….. jag kan vika tröjor snyggt :D
o allt för att jag satt o titta på Big bang.. JA jag har get de en chans PGA pappa…
Ja pappas lilla flicka? hm… vad gör jag inte för göra han lite glad.. men jag kan säga att jag inte rikgit e 100% säker på att det är min typ av serie.. eller ja vad man nu ska kalla de?
sjukt är en bra kommentar jag kommer på! som passar in relativt bra..

Sen så har jag badat med store bror + familj..
mamma va också med men inte med i vattnet för det tycker vi jo inte om …
Pingviner landningsbanor och vatten, är nog ingen bra kommentar..

Nåja vattnet var lite för kallt till o med i lilla baby poolen.. fast jag va rätt säker på att jag o micke inte vill gå upp ur den men på något sätt landa vi i stora poolen..
Okej jag vet hur han landa i den… de va någon snäll underbar rolig människa som knuffa i han….
Undra vem de kan vara?
sen så simma vi runt lite .. men där va inte lika mycket vatten i poolen som jag mindes.. haha!! Eller så e jag bara för lång för svenska bad? ja fråga mig inte..
Längtar till semestern som jag inte planerat än vilket e lite skumt, för jag hade tänkt åka till våren.
MEN det blir nog hösten nu. Så jag ehh tappa bort mig i mitt eget tänkande…

Ja så vi bada… Brorsan tjej o jag kom på när vi satt i bastun att de fattades godis… banan saker.. sorry kan inte stava dem men alla vet vad det är..
såna banan saker som e tuna och ”hårda” o så ca 5 cm långa…. okej de lätt perverst!
Nästan lika pervo som min beskrivning i går vem jonny depp spelade med …
jag låter de stanna där!!!

så efter det så åkte jag till malmö..
köpte tröjorna som jag berättat redan.
o så var jag inne om på xxxl lutz… EH men jag vet inte.. de va inte så kul… de va inte så som jag hade trott de skulle vara… Någon annan som varit där o kan berätta vad ni tyckte? för jag vet inte vad jag ska säga..
De hade skit snygga saker då o då… MEN jag vet inte om det är mig eller va priserna fan dyra?

new   hmm där kan man inte handla villket e skit tradigt för de har skit snygga kläder!!!

O om någon vill köpa saker till mig så tryck HÄR

eller kanske den här gulliga??


tror jag fått med allt…

Så nu ska jag o tarz gå o lägga oss… orkar inte mer för idag..
eller ja jag vet inte om jag e mest deppad eller mest trött…

hej då!!

Till filmtittaren?

Posted by on tisdag, 28 december, 2010

Tänkte varför inte lägga ut lite roliga citat till en filmtittare??
jag menar lite torr humor o lite roliga meningar gör alltid någon glad :D
spec mig:P o sååå kanske min nya kamrat som stor i skåpet som hänger på vägen? väggen? ja ni fattar!

Jack Sparrow: Why should I sail with any of you? Four of you have tried to kill me in the past… one of you succeeded.
[looks at Elizabeth; Will looks at her; she looks around, guiltily]
Jack Sparrow: Oh, she’s not told you. You’ll have loads to talk about while you’re here.
Jack Sparrow: [to Tia Dalma] As for you…
Tia Dalma: Now don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it at the time.
Jack Sparrow: Fair enough. You’re in.
[begins going down the line of pirates on the beach]
Jack Sparrow: [to Ragetti] Don’t need you, you scare me. Gibbs, you can come. Marty, Cotton… Cotton’s parrot, I’m a little iffy… At least I’ll have someone to talk to.
[to Tai Huang]
Jack Sparrow: Who are you?
Tai Huang: Tai Huang. These are my men.
Jack Sparrow: Where does your allegiance lie?
Tai Huang: With the highest bidder.
Jack Sparrow: I have a ship.
Tai Huang: That makes you the highest bidder.
Jack Sparrow: Good man. ‘Weigh anchor all hands. Prepare to make sail.
[takes out compass]
Cotton’s Parrot: ‘Weigh anchor.
Barbossa: [pats the charts in his hands] Jack… Which way ya goin’, Jack?


Barbossa: What are you doin’?
Jack Sparrow: What are *you* doin’?
Barbossa: No, what *are* you doin’?
Jack Sparrow: What are *you* doin’?
Barbossa: *No!* What *are* you doin’?
Jack Sparrow: What are *you* doin’? Captain gives orders on the ship.
Barbossa: The captain of the ship *is* givin’ orders.
Jack Sparrow: My ship, makes me captain.
Barbossa: They be my charts!
Jack Sparrow: Well, that makes you
Jack Sparrow: chartman.
Pintel: Stow it! Both of you! That’s an order! Understand?
[Jack and Barbossa stare at him]
Pintel: Sorry. I just thought with the Captain issue in doubt, I’d throw my name in for consideration, sorry.
Ragetti: [to Pintel] I’d vote for you.


Jack Sparrow: You know, for all that pirates are clever-called, we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things.
Gibbs: [nods] Aye.
Jack Sparrow: I once sailed with a geezer lost both his arms and part of his eye.
Gibbs: What did you call him?
Jack Sparrow: [pause] Larry.


Lord Cutler Beckett: [Jack is about to light a cannon that's pointed at the mast] You’re mad.
Jack Sparrow: Thank goodness for that, ’cause if I wasn’t this would probably never work.
[fires the cannon, which catapults him onto his ship, landing safely on his feet behind his crew]
Jack Sparrow: And that was without even a single drop of rum.

O som anslutning eftersom jag inte hittar citatet jag var ute efter så :P
Blir det denna som avslutning….

Pintel: Those aren’t pieces of eight. They’re pieces of junk!
Gibbs: When the First Brethren Court was called, they needed an emblem to symbolize their elite membership. However, they were short on the money side, so they used whatever they had in their pockets…
Pintel: So change the name!
Gibbs: To what, to ”Nine Pieces of Whatever We Have in Our Pockets”? Oh, yes, that’s very piratey…

Scene 14: The Brethren Court
[opens panning over Shipwreck Cove in the air, then to deck of Black Pearl]
Pintel: Look at them all!
Barbossa: There’s not been a gatherin’ like this in our lifetime.
Jack: And I owe them all money.
[cuts to inside courtroom with Barbossa banging a cannonball on the table]
Barbossa: As he who issued summons, I convene this, the fourth Brethren Court. To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow cap’ns.
[Ragetti walks around with a bowl and each person puts a piece of junk in it]
Pintel: Those aren’t pieces of eight, they’re just pieces of junk.
Gibbs: Aye, the original plan was to use nine pieces of eight to bind Calypso, but when the first court met, the brethren were to a one, skint broke.
Pintel: So change the name.
Gibbs: To what? ‘Nine Pieces of Whatever We Happened to Have in Our Pockets at the Time’? Oh yes, that sounds very piratey.
Barbossa: Mr. Ragetti, if you will.
Ragetti: I kept it safe for you, just like you said when you gave it to me.
Barbossa: Aye, ya have, but now I need it back.
[whacks Ragetti on the back of the head and his wooden eye pops out and he puts it in the bowl]
Villanueva: Sparrow!
Jack [touches coin which is hanging from his bandanna]: Might I point out that we are still short one pirate lord, and I’m content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us.
Elizbeth [enters]: Sao Feng is dead. He fell to the Flying Dutchman.
Jack: And made you captain? They’re just giving the bloody title away now.
Elizabeth: Listen. Our location has been betrayed. Jones is under the command of Lord Beckett, they’re on their way here.
Jocard: Who is this betrayer?
Barbossa: Not likely anyone among us.
Elizabeth: Where’s Will?
Jack: Not among us.
Barbossa: And it matters not how they found us. The question is, what will we do now that they have?
Elizabeth: We fight!
Mistress Cheng: Shipwreck Cove is a fortress, a well supplied fortress. There is no need to fight if they cannot get to us.
Barbossa: There is a third course. In another age, at this very spot, the first court captured the sea goddess, and bound her in her bones. That was a mistake. Oh, we tamed the seas for ourselves, aye, but opened the door to Beckett and his ilk. Better were the days when mastery of seas came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a man’s brow and the strength of his back alone. Y’all know this to be true. Gentlemen, ladies. We must free Calypso.
Ammand: Shoot him!
Jocard: Cut out his tongue!
Jack: Shoot him and cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue. And trim that scraggly beard.
Tai Huang: Sao Feng would have agreed with Barbossa.
Jocard: Calypso was our enemy then, she will be our enemy now.
Chevalle: And it’s not likely her mood’s improved.
Villanueva: I would still agree with Sao Feng, we release Calypso!
Chevalle: You threaten me?
Villanueva: I silence you!
[all hell breaks loose]
Elizabeth: This is madness!
Jack: This is politics.
Elizabeth: Meanwhile our enemies are bearing down upon us.
Barbossa: If they not be here already.
[cuts to shot of Black Pearl in the harbor, then to Tia in the brig. She is listening to her locket, then closes it and the music starts again a couple seconds later and she turns to see Davy walking out of the shadows on the other side of the room]
Tia: My sweet, you come for me.
Davy: You were expecting me.
Tia: It has been torture, trapped in this single form. Cut off from the sea, from all that I love, from you.
Davy: Ten years I devoted to the duty you charged to me. Ten years I looked after those who died at sea. And finally, when we could be together again, you weren’t there. Why weren’t you there?
Tia: Is my nature. Would you love me if I was anything but what I am?
Davy: I do not love you.
Tia: Many things you were, Davy Jones, but never cruel. You have corrupted your purpose, and so yourself. And hid away what always should have been mine. [touches him and his tentacles disappear and he turns back into his former human self]
Davy: Calypso.
Tia: I will be free, and when I am, I will give you my heart. And we will be together always…if only you had a heart to give. [takes her hand away and Davy reverts to octopus form] Why did you come?
Davy: And what fate have you planned for your captors?
Tia: The Brethren Court? The last thing they will learn in this life is how cruel I can be. And what of your fate, Davy Jones?
Davy: My heart will always belong to you. [exits via wall]
[cuts back to courtroom. Barbossa is standing on table and fires gun to silence them]
Barbossa: It was the first court what imprisoned Calypso, and we will be the ones to set her free, and in her gratitude she will see fit to grant us boons.
Jack: Whose boons? Your boons? Utterly deceptive twaddlespeak, says I.
Barbossa: If you have a better alternative, please, share.
Jack: Cuttlefish. Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends the cuttlefish. Flippant glorious little sausages. Pen ‘em up together and they’ll devour each other without a second thought. Human nature, isn’t it?…or…. or….fish nature. [hand on Mistress Cheng's shoulders] So yes, we could hole up here well provisioned and well armed and half of us would be dead within the month, which seems grim to me any way you slice it. Or, as my learned colleague so naively suggests, we could release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful. I rather doubt it. Can we in fact pretend that she is anything other than a woman scorned, like which fury hell hath no? We cannot. Res ipso loquitur tabula in naufragio*, we are left with but one option. I agree with, and I cannot believe the words are comin’ out of me mouth, Captain Swann. We must fight.
*Latin meaning something like ”the matter speaks for itself, Court of Shipwreck Cove.”
Barbossa: You’ve only ever run from a fight.
Jack: I have not!
Barbossa: You have too!
Jack: Have not!
Barbossa: You have too!
Jack: Have not!
Barbossa: You have too, and you know it!
Jack: Have not, slander and calumny! I have only ever embraced that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions. I submit here and now, that is what we all must do, we must fight….to run away.
Gibbs: Aye!
Barbossa: As per the code, an act of war, and this be exactly that, can only be declared by the pirate king.
Jack: You made that up.
Barbossa: Did I now? I call on Captain Teague, keeper of the code.
SeSumbhajee’s assistant: SeSumbhajee proclaims this all to be folly! Hang the code! Who cares… [gets shot]
Capt. Teague: Code is the law. [walks up behind Jack] You’re in my way, boy.
[two old men carry up the code and set it on the table]
Pintel: The code.
Ragetti: As set forth by Morgan and Bartholomew.
[Capt. Teague whistles and the dog comes with the key]
Ragetti: How did…?
Capt. Teague: Sea turtles, mate. [looks at code] Barbossa is right.
Jack: Hang on a minute. [checks the code] It shall be the duty of the king to declare war, parlay with said adversaries….fancy that.
Chevalle: There’s not been a king since the first court, and that’s not likely to change.
Capt. Teague: Not likely.
Elizabeth: Why not?
Gibbs: Because the king is elected by popular vote.
Barbossa: And each pirate only ever votes for hisself.
Jack: I call for a vote.
Ammand: I vote for Ammand, the corsair.
Chevalle: Capitan Chevalle, the penniless French man.
SeSumbhajee’s assistant: SeSumbhajee votes for SeSumbhajee.
Mistress Cheng: Mistress Cheng.
Jocard: Gentleman Jocard.
Elizabeth: Elizabeth Swann.
Barbossa: Barbossa.
Villanueva: Villanueva.
Jack: Elizabeth Swann.
Elizabeth: What?
Jack: I know, curious isn’t it?
Jocard: Why didn’t you vote for me?
[they all start arguing]
Jack: Am I to understand that you lot will not be keeping to the code, then?
[Capt. Teague breaks a guitar string and the room goes silent]
Mistress Cheng: Very well, what say you Captain Swann, king of the Brethren Court?
Elizabeth: Prepare every vessel that floats. At dawn, we’re at war.
SeSumbhajee: And so, we shall go to war.
[Barbossa signals Ragetti and he makes off with the pieces of eight. Jack turns to Capt. Teague]
Jack: What? You’ve seen it all, done it all, you survived. That’s the trick, isn’t it? To survive.
Capt. Teague: It’s not just about living forever, Jackie. The trick is, living with yourself, forever.
Jack: How’s mum?
[Teague holds up a shrunken head]
Jack: She looks great.

O nu ska jag o snuffe (som för övrigt har fått parket plats i skåpet) och tarzan o alla andra här? gå o lägga oss…
Så vi avslutar efter trevliga citat med bloppers :D MOHA!!!
dö nu inte av garv.. hihi =) för de ska jag undvika…
så får vi se om snuffe skickaren vid namn….. rocks ????? något… sånt ja… e glad över att snuffe står med x antal gånger nu :P o att jag berättat var han står (ligger i sen låda fast öppnad lite coolt som en lutande kista, med sitt pass…
ha de bra nu… vink vink!!!

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min lilla katt…

Posted by on tisdag, 28 december, 2010

…. e inte så liten när han lägger sig på ens mage.. kan jag säga till er..

o nu efter han har lagt sig lite mer bra.. så kan jag forsätta o skriva lite gran.. kanske?

Så vad har vi gjort idag?
jo en del saker faktiskt…

Jag gick inte upp som planerat kl 9 eftersom jag fick ett sent telefonsamtal i går.. men de gjorde inget…
hade jo ingen direkt tid o passa så…
i allfall upp sen ringde nallen igen..
stack till jobbet lämna en sak… sen gick jag o fixa med en kalender som jag skulle köpt för veckor sedan..
O så påfyllning till min fabis penna..
O sen gick jag hem…
Prata med pappa lite…
Sen gick jag ut igen, när, mamma hade fixat lite saker..
Sen va de fika med Mats… Jammi.. kul med trevligt sällskap =)
tiden gick fort o sen när vi gick ut kom E o prata lite med mig..
O sen gick mats till jobbet o jag gick hem….
prata med pappa lite där i mellan…. han  hade sätt en blue-ray spelare…
NÄ Jo vet inte om jag ska köpa den men har lite annat o spara till jo. Men sen så vill man slösa lite i bland med :D

Fast den stora frågan är om detta e rätt månad o slösa eller månad o hålla i pengarna??
nå???  vad säger ni?

okej jag har nog inte så mycket mer o säga fast de känns lite dåligt!

JO jag måste bara berätta att annonsen här till höger————————————–>> någonstans
de 70% e på grymt snygga kläder inte bara på ”rester” där e en del jag också vill ha men inte har råd med.. men SNYGGA o billiga som fan =) ena tröjan jag vill ha kostar bara 99kr… med allt :D

HMM SÅ någon som vill sponsra lite handel ??? frivliga?? någon?

I play the road!

Posted by on tisdag, 28 december, 2010

play the road,
And the highway is our song,
And every city’s like the same three chords
Been helping us along when the story’s told
And the crowd is done and gone
Shaking off the miles and trying to make it home

She says, ”Daddy where do you go
When you leave me all these nights
With a suitcase and guitar in your hand?
Kissing me and mom goodbye with a tear and a smile,
Where do you go,
Daddy where do you go?”

I play the road,
And this highway is our song,
And every city’s like the same three chords
Been helping us along when the story’s told
And the crowd is done and gone
Shaking off the miles and trying to make it home
Shaking off the miles
(Shaking off the miles)
(Mile after mile)
Mile after mile
Baby, I’m coming home

Underbar låt texten e där i mot en mil lång så valde de sista bittarna :D den e grymt bra
Lyssna gärna också=)

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He said I want to see you again, but I’m stuck in Colder weather
Maybe tomorrow will be better, can I call you then
She said you’re a rambling man, you ain’t ever gonna change
You got a gypsy soul to blame and you were born for leaving, born for leaving

Well it’s a windy road when you are in the lost and found
You’re a lover and I’m a runner
We go round and round and round
And I love you but I leave you
I don’t want you but I need you
You know it’s you that calls me back in vain

Whoa, I want to see you again, but I’m stuck in Colder weather
Maybe tomorrow will be better, can I call you then
Cause I’m a rambling man, I ain’t ever gonna change (I ain’t ever gonna change)
You got a gypsy soul to blame and I was born for leaving, born for leaving

When I close my eyes I see you,
No matter where I am.
I can smell your perfume through these whispering pines.
I’m with your ghost again, it’s a shame about the weather,
I know soon we’ll be together, and I can’t wait till then,
I can’t wait till then.


Posted by on måndag, 27 december, 2010

Hela gäster… jaaa jag vet inte vad jag sak säga..

TACK att jag hade J idag… Annars hade de kunnat bli en lång lång dag….

o eftersom inget hänt kan jag inte skriva så mycket idag.. så

EHHH ha en bra kväll?/natt?


Posted by on måndag, 27 december, 2010

Då ska man jobba idag.. de va länge sedan sist så hoppas de går bra… vad tror ni??
ja klart jag kommer klara det annas se de något fel på mig.. o de tror jag inte det är idag…

SÅÅ nu ska jag bytta om o sen ska jag gå..
Nä nu ska jag gå.. haha… säga saker två gånger e vist kul


Posted by on måndag, 27 december, 2010

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